High-Tech Conversions is a trusted supplier of sterile cleanroom wipes designed specifically for cleanroom and aseptic processing applications.

Our sterile wipes are Cobalt-60 Gamma Irradiated, validated sterile, and lot numbered for tracability.

Sterile lint-free wipes offer the following features and benefits:

Validated to SAL (Sterility Assurance Level) of 10-6 in accordance with standards and recommended practices of the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137:2013 guidelines
Cobalt-60 Gamma Irradiated
Meets USP 797 and USP 800 requirements for critical contamination control
Each package is identified with a lot number for tracability
Each case of material includes a Certificate of Irradiation
Available in dry and presaturated options
Materials include: Poly-cellulose, Polyester, and Polypropylene

Please get in touch with our friendly team at High-Tech Conversions to learn more about our sterile wipes today, including how quality aseptic wipes from a trusted supplier can benefit you and your business.

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The Importance of Dust and Static Protection Products

In today’s high-tech world, maintaining a clean and static-free environment is crucial for the smooth operation and longevity of electronic devices and sensitive equipment. Dust and static can cause significant damage, leading to equipment failures, decreased performance, and increased maintenance costs. To mitigate these risks, specialized dust and static protection products play a pivotal role.

Why Dust and Static Protection Matters

Dust accumulation on electronic components can lead to overheating, reduced efficiency, and even system failures. Dust particles can clog ventilation systems, impair cooling mechanisms, and create abrasive wear on delicate components. Static electricity, on the other hand, can discharge and cause sudden, unpredictable damage to sensitive electronic circuits, a phenomenon known as Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).

Types of Dust and Static Protection Products

  • Anti-Static Mats and Wrist Straps:

    • Anti-static mats are used on work surfaces to prevent static electricity from building up. They are crucial in electronics assembly and repair, ensuring that static discharges do not damage sensitive components. Wrist straps, often used in conjunction with mats, help to safely ground individuals working with electronic devices, providing a continuous path for static charge dissipation.
  • Dust Covers and Filters:

    • Dust covers are designed to shield equipment when not in use, preventing dust ingress. Filters, commonly used in cooling systems, trap dust particles before they can enter sensitive areas, maintaining a cleaner environment and prolonging the life of the equipment.
  • Anti-Static Bags and Enclosures:

    • These are used for storing and transporting electronic components and devices. Anti-static bags are often made of conductive materials that prevent static buildup, while enclosures provide additional protection by isolating sensitive items from static and dust.
  • ESD-Safe Workstations:

    • Comprehensive ESD-safe workstations include a combination of anti-static mats, wrist straps, ionizers, and other tools designed to create a controlled environment that minimizes the risk of static discharge during assembly and maintenance.

Benefits of Using Dust and Static Protection Products

  • Enhanced Equipment Longevity:

    • By preventing dust accumulation and static discharge, these products help maintain the functionality and lifespan of electronic devices and machinery.
  • Improved Performance:

    • A clean, static-free environment ensures optimal performance of electronic components, reducing the risk of malfunctions and downtime.
  • Cost Savings:

    • Investing in dust and static protection can lead to significant cost savings by reducing repair and replacement expenses, as well as minimizing operational disruptions.

In conclusion, integrating dust and static protection products into your electronic maintenance and storage routines is essential for safeguarding valuable equipment. By investing in these protective solutions, you ensure the reliability, efficiency, and longevity of your technology investments.

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206, Building 6, 115 Weixin Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


+86 0512-62859796
+86 15371826976

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